

Books published

  1. Les écrivaines contemporaines et les mythes. Le remembrement au féminin. Paris: Karthala, (January) 2013, 348 p.
  2. Hélène Cixous: texture mythique et alchimique. Birmingham, Alabama: SUMMA Publications, Inc., (August) 2007, 208 p.
  3. Lectures de Claude Simon. La polyphonie de la structure et du mythe. Toronto: Les Éditions du GREF, 2001, 313 p.

Books edited by the author

  1. La mythocritique contemporaine au féminin. Dialogue entre théorie et pratique. Paris: Karthala, (March 8), 2016. 180 p.
    • Introduction: “Se lire mythiquement: le dialogue entre les femmes qui écrivent les mythes,” 5-34.
  2. Death, Language, Thought. On Gérard Bucher’s L’imagination de l’origine. Birmingham, AL: SUMMA Publications, Inc., 2005, 192 p.
    • “Introduction,” 1-3.
    • “In the Beginning Was the Word: Reflections on Gérard Bucher’s L’imagination de l’origine,” 51-57.
  3. Hermes and Aphrodite Encounters. Birmingham, AL: SUMMA Publications, Inc., 2004. 313 p.
    • “Preface,” vii-x.
    • “Introduction,” 1-20.
    • “Hélène Cixous: A Hermetic Aphrodite,” 195-204.
  4. Mythes dans la littérature contemporaine d’expression française. Ottawa, ON: Éditions du Nordir, 1994, 321 p.
    • “Eurydice à la recherche d’Orphée: lecture orphique de L’Acacia de Claude Simon.” 200-08.
    • “La présentation.” 7-12.

Books co-edited by the author

  1. Le mythe au féminin et l’(in)visibilisation du corps. With Brigitte Le Juez. Leiden—Boston: Brill, 2021. 268 p.
    • “Introduction : La résurgence des mythes au féminin.” With Brigitte Le Juez. 1-12.
    • “(La) Méduse : comment le corps d’un mythe est-il appréhendé ?” 15-36.
  2. Contacts linguistiques, littéraires, culturels: Cent ans d’études du français à l’Université de Ljubljana. Sonia Vaupot (ed), Univerza v Ljubljani; Adriana Mezeg (ed), Univerza v Ljubljani; Gregor Perko (ed), Univerza v Ljubljani; Mojca Schlamberger Brezar (ed), Univerza v Ljubljani; Metka Zupančič (ed), University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa, USA. Ljubljana: E-knjige – Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani, 2020 (Dec. 30). 532 p. DOI:
    • “Ce qui change et ce qui reste : les ‘révolutions’ dans l’enseignement universitaire de la littérature, en FLE.” 452-463.
  3. Le Mal dans l’imaginaire littéraire français (1850-1950). With Myriam Watthee-Delmotte. Ottawa: Éditions David; Paris: L’Harmattan, 1998, 432 p.
    • Introduction by Myriam Watthee-Delmotte, with participation of M.Z. 19-26.
    • “Claude Simon: l’écriture face à l’absurde, à la mort, au chaos.” 421-32.
  4. Réécriture des mythes: l’utopie au féminin. With Joëlle Cauville. Amsterdam/ Atlanta, GA, Rodopi, 1997, 266 p.
    • “Hélène Cixous: espace utopique intertextuel.” 219-32.
    • “Réécriture des mythes: l’utopie au féminin. Préambule.” Together with Joëlle Cauville: i-x.

Scholarly journal, guest editor

  1. Orphée et Eurydice: mythes en mutation. Religiologiques 15, printemps 1997, 273 p.
    • “Orphée et Eurydice: mythes en mutation”: 5-17.

Scholarly journal, guest co-editor, with Laura Pereira Domínguez

  1. Journal of Comparative Literature and Aesthetics—JCLA, Special Issue: The Eternal Return of Myth (Vol. III) – The Fascination with Myths in Contemporary (Audio)visual Productions. Vol. 43, nº 4 (Winter 2020).

Scholarly journal, guest co-editor, with Hélène Marcotte

  1. Tangence. La présence des mythes dans la littérature contemporaine. Rimouski, Québec, Canada: Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières et Rimouski, 2013.
    • “Liminaires”: 5-9.

Fiction (in French)

  1. L’envahissement. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2020 (Dec. 29). 151 p.
  2. Tisto neustavljivo. Slovene translation of L’envahissement, by Živa Čebulj, Ljubljana: Hiša poezije, 2023.

Translations (books)

Slovene to French

  1. Andrejka Čufer, Apiculteur de cœur. Paris, Éditions Franco-Slovènes, (nov.) 2019 (30 pages, illustrated).

French to Slovene

  1. Claude Simon, Georgike [Les Géorgiques]. Ljubljana, Državna založba (Zbirka Nobelovci), 1986.
  2. Claude Simon, Flandrijska cesta [La Route des Flandres]. Maribor, Založba Obzorja, 1987.
  3. Vinko Globokar, Vdih-izdih [Res/as/ex/ins – pirer]. Ljubljana, Slovenska matica, 1987.
  4. Henri Bosco, Deček in reka [L’Enfant et la rivière]. Ljubljana, Mladinska knjiga, 1984.
  5. Yambo Ouologuem, Dolžnost nasilja [Devoir de violence]. Murska Sobota, Pomurska založba, 1978.
  6. Robert Sabatier, Švedske vžigalice [Les Allumettes suédoises]. Ljubljana, Mladinska knjiga, 1983.
  7. Robert Sabatier, Tri lizike z okusom po meti [Les Trois Sucettes à la menthe]. Ljubljana, Mladinska knjiga, 1985.
  8. Joseph Joffo, Vrečka s frnikolami [Un sac de billes]. Ljubljana, Mladinska knjiga, 1978.
  9. Sembène Ousmane, Božje paličice [Les Bouts de bois de Dieux]. Ljubljana, Mladinska knjiga, 1980 [1978].
  10. André Soubiran, Milostni udarec [Le coup de grâce]. Koper, Založba Lipa, 1977.
  11. Gérard Néry, Julija Crèvecoeur. Del 2, Še je čas za ljubezen. Koper, Založba Lipa, 1975.
  12. Gérard Néry, Julija Crèvecoeur. Del 1, Ljubezen je kot vojna. Koper, Založba Lipa, 1976.
  13. Marthe Seguin-Fontès, Metulji [Butterflies]. Ljubljana, Domus, 1988.
  14. Marthe Seguin-Fontès, Sadje [Fruit]. Ljubljana, Domus, 1988.

Chapters of books (refereed)

  1. “La ‘civilisation française’ dans les universités nord-américaines : le cas de l’Université d’Alabama.” Bilinguisme, plurilinguisme et francophonie. Mythes et réalités. Cheryl Toman, Karen Ferreira-Meyers, Anne-Laure Rigeade and Lilas Al Dakr, eds. Montréal: PUM, (marec) 2023. 131-144.
  2. “Morphed sense of longing and belonging in contemporary women’s writing: Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni and Arundhati Roy.” Critical Perspectives on Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni: Feminism and Diaspora. Eds. Amritjit Singh, Robin E. Field, and Samina Najmi. Lexington Books—Rowman and Littlefield, 2022. 107-120.
  3. “Wim Wenders, Until the End of the World (1991): Apocalypse and Beyond.” José Manuel Losada & Antonella Lipscomb (eds.), Mito y ciencia ficción, Madrid, Sial/Trivium, 2021. 133-142.
  4. “Divakaruni’s Before We Visit the Goddess: overcoming fears and instabilities.” In Kaisa Kaukiainen, Kaisa Kurikka, Hanna Mäkelä, Elise Nykänen, Sanna Nyqvist, Juha Raipola, Anne Riippa, and Hanna Samola (eds.), Narratives of Fear and Safety. Tampere: Tampere University Press, 2020. 289-314.
  5. “Aronofsky’s Mother! (2017): The disturbing power of syncretic mythical paradigms.” Myth and Audiovisual Creation. José Manuel Losada & Antonella Lipscomb (eds.). Berlin: Logos Verlag, 2019. 103-114.
  6. “L’amitié pour la vie.” Faire lien. Autour de Myriam Watthee-Delmotte. Laurent Déom Sofiane Laghouati, Corentin Lahouste, Jérémy Lambert & Christophe Meurée (eds.). Louvain-la-Neuve: PUL, 2019. 153-157.
  7. “Women and French democracy, 1789–1804: between the guillotine and the Civil Code limitations.” Women and the Ideology of Political Exclusion. From Classical Antiquity to the Modern Era. Tatiana Tsakiropoulou-Summers and Katerina Kitsi-Mitakou, eds. London and New York: Routledge, 2019. 247-262.
  8. “Uncanny Intertextuality: Hélène Cixous and Peter Ibbetson (Philippines: prédelles).” Cixous after/depuis 2000. Elizabeth Berglund Hall, Frédérique Chevillot, Eileen Hoft-March, and Maribel Peñalver Vicea, eds. Leiden, Netherlands: Brill, December 2017. 191-208.
  9. “Orpheus and Eurydice rewritten, in works by Hélène Cixous and Claude Simon.” Myths and Emotions. José Manuel Losada Goya and Antonella Lipscomb, eds. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017. 199-210.
  10. “Ágota Kristóf’s Europe: (Un)Connectedness and (Non)Belonging in The Third Lie.” The Novel and Europe: Imagining the Continent in Post-1945 Fiction. Andrew Hammond, ed. London; New York; Melbourne: Palgrave MacMillan, 2016. 71-83. ISBN 978-1-137-52627-4
  11. “Traduction des auteurs québécois.” With Sonia Vaupot. Contrastive Analysis in Discourse Studies and Translation (Prevodoslovne usmerjene kontrastivne študije). Mojca Schlamberger Brezar, ed. Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska fakulteta, 2015 (printed in Febr. 2016): 360-74.
  12. “Kristeva’s The Samurai: ‘Camouflage of sacredness in a desacralized world’.” Myths in Crisis. The Crisis of Myth. José Manuel Losada Goya and Antonella Lipscomb, eds. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press, England, UK, 2015. 303-12.
  13.  “New Feminine Myths as Builders of New Transcultural Horizons.” Transcultural Negotiations of Gender: Studies in (Be)longing. Indrani Mukherjee and Saugata Bhaduri, eds. Springer Publications (India), 2015. 15-24. DOI
  14.  “La conjonction des imaginaires: Gilbert Durand et les mythes indiens réécrits chez Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni.” L’imaginaire durandien en terre d’Amérique. Raymond Laprée and Christian Bellehumeur, eds. Québec: Presses de l’Université de Laval, (December) 2013. 61-75.
  15. “Spices Between East and West: Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni’s The Mistress of Spices.” Myths and Interdisciplinarity. Antonella Lipscomb and José Manuel Losada Goya, eds. Bari, Italy: Levante Editori, (October) 2013. 229-251.
  16. “Marie-Sissi Labrèche et l’exploration des limites (érotiques) de l’être.” Mythe et érotisme dans les littératures contemporaines de l’extrême contemporain. Efstratia Oktapoda, ed. Amsterdam-New York: RODOPI, (October) 2013. 113-129.
  17. “Andrée Christensen, aux dimensions exaltées, alchimiques, cosmiques.” Écrire au féminin au Canada français. Johanne Melançon, ed. Sudbury, ON, Canada: Prise de parole, 2013. 203-23.
  18. “Géographie et intertextualité: univers décentré de Claude Simon.” Claude Simon géographe. Ed. Jean-Yves Laurichesse. Paris, France: Classiques Garnier, 2013. 96-106.
  19.  “Feminist Dystopia: Berta Bojetu-Boeta, a Slovene Model.” History of Literary Cultures of East-Central Europe, 4: Types and Stereotypes. John Neubauer and Marcel Cornis-Pope, eds. Amsterdam, NL: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2010. 281-87.
  20. “Healing the Goddess: The Way Out of the Wounded Breast. The Wounded Breast, by Évelyne Accad.” On Évelyne Accad: Essays in Literature, Feminism, and Cultural Studies. Cheryl Toman, ed. Birmingham, AL: SUMMA Publications, 2007. 247-63. Volume recognized for The Scholar’s Choice and acknowledged formally at the Midwest MLA conference on November 9th, 2007.
  21. “La déchirure originelle, le mal initial chez Chantal Chawaf.” Des femmes écrivent la guerre (Women Writing the War). Anna Norris and Frédérique Chevillot, eds. Paris: Editions Complicité, 2007. 219-32.
  22. “Sein mutilé, sein symbolique et sacré: Voyages en cancer, par Évelyne Accad.” Évelyne Accad: Explorations. Deirdre Bucher Heistad, ed. Paris, France: L’Harmattan, 2004. 203-16.
  23. “Hermès psychopompe: le ‘comme’ des palimpsestes.” Claude Simon. Allées et venues. Jean-Yves Laurichesse, ed. Perpignan, France: Presses Universitaires de Perpignan, nº 34, 2004. 153-68. (Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Claude Simon, held in Perpignan, March 14-15, 2003.)
  24. “L’au-delà irrésistible: Chantal Chawaf, Le Manteau noir.French Prose in 2000. Eds. Michael Bishop and Christopher Elson. Amsterdam/New York, Rodopi: 2002. 193-99.
  25. “Perséphone qui refuse la remontée.” Ut Philosophia Poesis. Études sur l’œuvre de Jeanne Hyvrard. Jean-François Kosta-Théfaine, ed. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi, 2001. 101-14.
  26. “Nouvelle Eurydice: Mythe ou stéréotype?” Sont-ils bons? Sont-ils méchants? Christian Garaud, ed. Paris, Éditions Champion, 2001. 61-71.
  27. “Mélusine travestie dans quelques textes contemporains de femmes.” Mélusine moderne et contemporaine, Arlette Bouloumié (ed.). Paris: L’Âge d’Homme, Coll. La Bibliothèque Mélusine, 2001. 225-34.
  28. “L’Optique globalisante: le Mal en perspective, chez Claude Simon.” Imaginaires du Mal. Eds. Myriam Watthee-Delmotte and Paul-Augustin Deproost. Paris: Cerf; Louvain-la-Neuve: UCL, 2000. 369-77.
  29. “Orphée à l’œuvre: polyphonie textuelle, musique scripturale dans Les Géorgiques de Claude Simon.” Recherches sur l’imaginaire, Cahier XXVII, Angers, Université d’Angers, 1997 [2000]. 289-98.
  30. Le Double suspect—entre la mythomanie et la mythographie.” Relectures de Madeleine Monette. Janine Ricouart, ed. Birmingham, Alabama: SUMMA, 1999. 75-86.
  31. “Mythes et utopies: approches féministes.” Récit et connaissance. François Laplantine, Joseph Lévy, Jean-Baptiste Martin, Alexis Nouss, eds. Lyon: Presses Universitaires de Lyon, 1998. 109-120.
  32. “L’orphisme comme système mythologique chez Claude Simon.” Les systèmes mythologiques. Jacques Boulogne, ed. Université Charles de Gaulle — Lille III, Villeneuve d’Ascq: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 1997. 197-205.
  33. “Pensée analogique chez quelques écrivaines québécoises.” Continental, Latin-American and Francophone Women Writers. Eds. Ginette Adamson, Eunice Myers. Vol. IV, Lanham, MD: UPA, 1997. 255-67.
  34. “Érotisme et mythisation dans Triptyque et Les Géorgiques.Claude Simon II, Revue des lettres modernes. Ed. Ralph Sarkonak. 1997. 35-54.
  35. “Hélène Cixous: connotation multiple.” Le texte et le nom. Martine Léonard et Élisabeth Nardout-Lafarge, eds. Montréal: XYZ Éditeur, Coll. “Documents,” 1996. 295-303.
  36. “Le Sang et les pleurs: déluge intérieur chez Hélène Cixous.” L’eau: émergence d’une écriture dans les textes d’écrivaines francophones. Yolande A. Helm, ed. New York: Peter Lang Publisher, 1995. 145-163.
  37.  “L’orphisme réécrit au féminin.” Francophonie plurielle, Proceedings of the World Conference of CIÉF, Casablanca (Morocco) 10-17 July 1993. Ginette Adamson and Jean-Marc Gouanvic, eds. Montréal: Hurtubise HMH, 1995. 51-63.
  38. “De la (dé)nomination à la mythisation chez Claude Simon.” Paragraphes 10, 1994 (Études françaises, University of Montréal). 103-15.
  39. “Artiste holistique—art globalisant; lecture orphique de quelques textes de Michel Butor.” Réseaux-Frontières-Écarts. La création selon Michel Butor. Mireille Calle-Gruber, ed. Paris: Nizet, 1991. 195-208.
  40. “Enseignement de la littérature française/ francophone dans l’enseignement (universitaire) du français langue étrangère.” Le défi pédagogique de l’enseignement supérieur. Proceeding of the conference of the Association internationale de pédagogie universitaire, University of Montréal, 23-26 May 1988. Denis Blondin, ed. Montréal: AIPU, 1990. 435-438.

Articles in scholarly journals with peer-evaluation, in French, English, and Slovene

  1. “Films, the Visual, and their Effects on our Minds and Emotions,” JCLA, Special issue: The Eternal Return of Myth (Vol. III), 2020 – The Fascination with Myths in Contemporary (Audio)visual Productions: 4-14.
  2. “Écrire à partir des pertes.” Crin 66 (2019), “Écriture des origines, origines de l’écriture. Hélène Cixous” (textes réunis et présentés par Kathleen Gyssels et Christa Stevens): 112-123. doi:10.1163/9789004417335_009
  3. “Mitokritika in sodobna literarna veda” (Myth Criticism and Contemporary Literary Theory). Primerjalna književnost 41.3 (Nov. 2018): 59-76.
  4. “Literature, Mythology, Orphism: ‘Language as God’ in the French Nouveau Roman.” Journal of Comparative Literature and Aesthetic, special issue “The Eternal Return of Myth: Myth Updating in Contemporary Literature,” Ana Gonzales-Rivas Fernandez and Antonella Lipscomb, guest editors, 40.2 (2017): 53-66 (published in Spring 2018).
  5. “Slovene Literature in English Translation: Anthologies, by Whom, for Whom?” In collaboration with Alojzija Zupan Sosič. Slovene Studies 36.1 (2014 [June 2015]): 19-37.
  6. “Translation, at the Core of all Language Learning and Literary Studies.” Evolving Horizons 3 (November 2014 [May 2015]): 1-6.
  7. Le Tramway de Claude Simon: les aléas de la traduction.” With Mojca Schlamberger Brezar. Cahiers Claude Simon, 10 (April 2015): 79-92.
  8.  “Entre le singe et le loup chez Cixous.” Bestiaires. Mélanges offerts à Arlette Bouloumié, Frédérique Le Nan and Isabelle Trivisani-Moreau (ed.). Nouvelles Recherches sur l’Imaginaire 36 (Presses de l’Université d’Angers, France), 2014: 347-58.
  9. “Ananda Devi dans le feu révélateur et transformateur des mythes.” Les cahiers du GRELCEF 6, August 2014 (Univ. of Western, London, ON, Canada): 161-78. Web.
  10. “Ethics of Wisdom and Compassion in the Works by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni.” Asian Studies, Ljubljana, Slovenia, I (XVII), 1 (2013): 107-17.
  11. “The Power of Storytelling. An Interview with Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni.” Contemporary Women’s Writing, Oxford, UK: Oxford UP. (July) 2012. doi: 10.1093/cww/vpr023
    In print: Contemporary Women’s Writing 6: 2 (July 2012): 85-101.
  12. “Gisèle Bienne: ‘avec ma main amie’ les remembrer et se remembrer” (GB: ‘with a friendly hand,’ re-member them and re-member oneself).  La Licorne, “Gisèle Bienne, figures de l’altérité” (GB, Figures of Otherness). Catherine Rannoux-Wespel, ed. N° 95 (2011): 161-73.
  13. “Mythes porteurs de séismes? La figure d’Ariane chez Claire Lejeune et Jacqueline De Clercq” (Myths as Carriers of Seismic Shifts? The Figure of Ariadne in CL and JDC). Contemporary French and Francophone Studies: SITES (Séismes/Seismic Shifts II). Mária Minich Brewer, Judith E. Preckshot, guest eds. 14, 5 (December 2010): 553-560.
  14. “Andrée Christensen tout à fait mythique” (AC, Completely Mythical). OTAGO FRENCH NOTES (Otago, New Zealand). Issue titled MYTHES ET SYMBOLES DANS LA LITTÉRATURE FRANCOPHONE, Constantin Grigorut and Elena-Brandusa Steicius, eds. October (2010): 131-42.
  15. “Berta Bojetu-Boeta, un regard terrifiant sur les Balkans” (BBB, a Terrifying Perception of the Balkans). “Les Cultures des Balkans,” Cahietele Echinox/ Cahiers de l’Echinox (Journal), Vol. 18/2010, Cluj-Napoca (Romania), ed. Efstratia Oktapoda. ISBN 2-905725-57-0 (France) and ISSN1582-960X (Romania): 221-31.
  16. “Berta Bojetu-Boeta, messages still not heard.” Women’s Studies International Forum. Issue on women writing on conflicts and war, edited by Cheryl Toman. Electronic version available as of August 12, 2009: doi:10.1016/j.wsif.2009.07.003 Print: Volume 32, number 5, September-October 2009.
  17. “Nouvelle écriture ‘engagée’ de Chantal Chawaf: thérapie contre les guerres et les souffrances?” Dalhousie French Studies, Special Issue, “Representation of Trauma in French and Francophone Literature.” Vol. 81 (Winter 2007): 51-58.
  18. “Hybridité inévitable. La théorie et la poïesis chez Hélène Cixous.” Primerjalna književnost (Journal of Comparative Literature) (Ljubljana, Slovenia). Special Trilingual Issue: Hybridizing Theory and Literature: on the Dialogue between Theory and Literature – Teoretsko-literarni hibridi: o dialogu literature in teorije. Vol. 29, August 2006: 341-51. Slovene translation of the text, by Jelka Kernev-Štrajn: “Neogibna hibridnost: teorija in poetičnost pri Hélène Cixous”: 159-68.
  19. “Le mythe vivant chez Andrée Christensen.” Canadian Literature (journal affiliated to UBC, Vancouver, CA), special topic “Beyond Quebec: Francophone Canadian Writing Outside Quebec,” Jane Moss, ed. Winter 2005, #187 (published in March 2006): 28-35.
  20. “Gisèle Bienne et l’écriture de la différence.” Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme (Mons, Belgium), nº 107-108-109, 2004 (published in February 2005), La Création au féminin (Feminine Creativity): 211-22.
  21. “Comment retrouver le pays? L’Algérie scripturale chez Hélène Cixous.” Expressions maghrébines, issue dedicated to Hélène Cixous, vol. 2, nº 2, Winter 2003 (Published February 2004): 79-91.
  22. “L’écriture du désir: marque particulière de la littérature contemporaine des femmes.” (Writing the desire: a particular feature of contemporary women’s literature). Special edition of the WIF Studies, WIF 2000 Conference Proceedings, Dana Strand and Joëlle Vitiello, guest eds., 2003 [Published February 2004]: 87-99.
  23. “Srečanja med Hermesom in Afrodito” (Hermes and Aphrodite Encounters). Primerjalna književnost (Journal of Comparative Literature) (Ljubljana, Slovenia) 26/2003, nº 2: 87-99.
  24. “En compagnie du Fou,” invited article on the Slovene writer France Tomšič, Terra Beata (Marseille, France), nº 19 (July-August-September 2003): 28-32.
  25. “Questions esthétiques et éthiques autour de la notion du mythe.” Claude Simon et Le Jardin des Plantes. Under the direction of Sjef Houppermans. Crin nº 39, 2001 [March 2002]: 99-107.
  26. “Experiencing Myths. Reading Contemporary French Novels from a Mythical Prospective.” Mythosphere, Alabama, USA, Vol 2, nº 1 (2000): 83-92.
  27. “Le rire rédempteur: Annie Leclerc, vingt-cinq ans après.” Tessera (Feminist Utopias / Utopies féministes), Vol. 26, Summer 1999 [2000]: 41-52.
  28. “Hyvrard, Cixous, Chawaf. Mythes repensés.” Cahiers de lImaginaire, nº 16, 1998 (“Esthétique, littérature et modernité”): 7-13.
  29. “Axe Belgique-Québec-France: Aspects de sororité.” Anuario de estudios filológicos, Universidad de Extremadura, Cáceres, Spain, Vol. XXI, 1998: 461-67.
  30. “Claude Simon et Claude-Nicolas Ledoux: l’œil qui cerne, l’œil qui centre, l’œil qui dit.” Proceedings of the colloquium “L’Œil,” Université Stendhal — Grenoble III, December 6-8th, 1996, Iris, “L’Œil fertile,” Grenoble, Centre de recherche sur l’imaginaire—Université de Grenoble III, hors série 1997: 127-34.
  31. “Chantal Chawaf: la quête de la lumière, entre Déméter, Perséphone et Hécate.” Études francophones, Vol. XII-2, Fall 1997: 165-75.
  32. “Feministična proza: miti in utopija (Feminist prose: myths and utopia).” Primerjalna književnost, nº 2, 1995: 1-16.
  33. “Corps intégré, corps sacralisé dans la littérature contemporaine des femmes (Cixous, Hyvrard, Chawaf).” Religiologiques, nº 12, Autumn 1995: 191-206.
  34. “Eurydice et Perséphone: paradigmes revisités par Cixous et Chawaf.” WIF STUDIES, Autumn 1995: 82-89.
  35. “Le Féminisme dans la conjonction corps-esprit.” La Parole métèque, nº 23, March 1995: 24-28.
  36. “Georges Perec: La Vie mode d’emploi.” La Tribune Juive, Montréal, Vol. 9, nº 4, Jan.-Febr. 1992: 44-46.
  37. “Anne Hébert: Le Premier jardin—Retour au jardin.” Actes du symposium yougoslave-canadien III — “Littérature entre deux pays” — Ohrid, May 1989 (published 1990). –Also published in Cultures du Canada français, nº 7, Automn 1990: 97-101.

Conferences and lectures (selection)

  1. Invited 50-minute video-lecture “THE GENDER OF MYTHMAKING,” in the framework of the EURASIA FOUNDATION—COMPLUTENSE 2023 LECTURES, “Narratives of Sustainability in Anthropocene. Interdisciplinary Dimensions.” Complutense University in Madrid, Spain. Available at, #19.
  2. “Mise en abyme intertextuelle, circulaire, perpétuelle : Triptyque, cinquante ans après.” 39th Seminar of the ALCS—(Claude Simon Readers’ Association), Paris, France, January 28, 2023.
  3. “France Théoret – une des voix féminines les plus en vue dans la littérature québécoise.” Invited lecture, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, November 7, 2022.
  4. “The Gender of Mythmaking.” VII International Conference on Myth Criticism. Myth: Theories of a Controversial Concept. Complutense University of Madrid, Spain, October 25-28, 2022.
  5. “Hélène Cixous, d’une langue à l’autre : l’(im)possibilité des nouveaux paradigmes?”, the 9th congress of ESCL-SELC, September 5-9, 2022, Rome, Italy.
  6. “Écrire pour lutter, sinon cela n’a aucun sens: de France Théoret à Kim Thúy,” 36th international conference of the CIÉF, June 20-25, 2022, Trente, Italy.
  7. “Prof. ddr. Metka Zupančič : la personnalité francophone de l’année 2022,” encounter—book presentation, University of Primorsko, Faculty of Humanities, in conjunction with the Cultural Association Peter Martinc, Koper, Slovenia, March 22, 2022, 6-7 pm.
  8. “Dramaturgie féminine et immigration : une plaie recousue par le corps/texte de la force créatrice féminine,” invited speaker at an online seminar, “Traverser les frontières : Formes et enjeux des écritures contemporaines,” “Frontières”—Collectif interdisciplinaire de jeunes chercheur∙e∙s, Aix-Marseille Université, with Gabriela Acosta Bastidas and Clelia Di Pasquale, March 17, 2022, 5-7 pm.
  9. “La mythocritique au féminin dans les littératures francophones,” invited lecture at the international conference “De la mythocritique à la géocritique. Parcours méthodologiques internationaux appliqués à l’étude des altérités,” University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, November 4, 2021.
  10. “La culpabilité de la victime : France Martineau et ses deux autofictions,” 35th international conference of CIÉF, June 7-11, 2021.
  11. “Wim Wenders, Until the End of the World (1991): Apocalypse and Beyond?” VIth International Conference on Myth Criticism, “Myth and Science Fiction,” Madrid, University Complutense, October 27-30, 2020.
  12. Invited speaker at the International Webinar “Narratives from Abroad Lecture Series”—Lecture II, “South Asian Myths through the Eyes of a Slovene Scholar,” held on September 12, 2020, organized by CASSA-SAFAR—Center for Advanced Studies in South Asia—South Asian Foundation for Academic Research, Kathmandu, Nepal.
  13. Invited speaker at the International Webinar Series: “Battling Pandemic in Europe by Metka Zupancic,” broadcast on June 5, 2020. Organized by SNEHIL, Dehradun, India, a NGO, in collaboration with Uttarakhand Open University. Available at
  14. “Ce qui change et ce qui reste : ‘révolutions littéraires’ dans l’enseignement universitaire ?” Plenary talk at the International Conference “Contacts linguistiques, littéraires, culturels : Cent ans d’études du français à l’université de Ljubljana,” September 12-14, 2019, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.
  15. “Comment voit-on le corps d’un mythe ? Celui de la Méduse ?” ESCL-SELC Conference, Lille, France, August 26-30, 2019.
  16. L’Isle aux abeilles noires, ou les intrus.e.s chez Andrée Christensen.” 33rd CIÉF international convention, Ottawa, Canada, June 17-23, 2019.
  17.  “Aronofsky’s Mother! (2017): The disturbing power of syncretic mythical paradigms.” International conference “Myths and Audiovisual,” University Complutense, Madrid, Spain, October 24-26, 2018.
  18.  “CONCEALING/REVEALING: HÉLÈNE CIXOUS AND AUTOBIOGRAPHY.” Festival MESTO ŽENSK//CITY OF WOMEN, round table about feminism and autobiography, Ljubljana, October 7, 2018.
  19. “Assia Djebar, Nulle part dans la maison de mon père, pour mieux se comprendre.” 32rd international convention of CIÉF, Conseil International d’Études Francophones, La Rochelle, France, June 4-10, 2018.
  20. “La ‘civilisation française’ dans les universités nord-américaines,” La Biennale de la langue française, Paris, France, September 14-16, 2017. ONLINE PUBLICATION of the article: BIENNALE DE LA LANGUE FRANÇAISE, March 25, 2018,
  21. “Divakaruni’s Before We Visit the Goddess: Overcoming Fears and Instabilities,” ENCLS-REELC 7th Biennial Convention, University of Helsinki, August 23-26, 2017.
  22. Hizya, entre la tradition et les nouveaux paradigmes (Maïssa Bey, Hizya, 2015).” 31st international convention of the CIÉF, Conseil International d’Études Francophones, Université des Antilles, Schœlcher, La Martinique, June 26—July 2, 2017.
  23. “Les mythes, pour retarder les séparations, pour s’ouvrir sur le monde.” CIXOUS: Corollaires d’une signature. Corollaries of a Signature. International conference, Paris, Maison Heinrich Heine, Cité internationale universitaire, June 14, 15 and 16, 2017.
  24. “Écrire à partir des pertes.” Écriture des origines/Origines des écritures: mémoires et histoires dans l’œuvre récente d’Hélène Cixous Seminar, University of Antwerpen, Belgium, May 11-12, 2017.
  25. “‘L’immeuble’ comme outil pédagogique.” AWLA (Alabama World Languages Association), Auburn, AL, Febr. 3-4, 2017 (lecture and workshop in French).
  26. “Orpheus and Eurydice rewritten, in the works by Hélène Cixous and Claude Simon.” International conference “Myths and Emotions.” University Complutense, Madrid, Spain, October 24-28, 2016.
  27. “Translations Supplanting the Originals?” “Translation as a Common Language” set of panels. ICLA, International Comparative Literature Association, Vienna, Austria, July 21-27, 2016.
  28. “Vassilis Alexakis: les ‘translingues’, quels paradigmes?” 30th international convention of the CIÉF, Conseil International d’Études Francophones, May 23-29, 2016, Saly-Portudal, Senegal.
  29. “Women and French Democracy, 1789-1804. Between the Guillotine and the Civil Code Limitations.” International colloquium Women, Democracy and the Ideology of Exclusion. From Antiquity of the Twentieth Century, Tuscaloosa, AL, March 24-25, 2016.
  30. “Le deuil de la mère. Louise Dupré, L’Album multicolore (2014).” 20th-21st Century French and Francophone Studies International Colloquium, Saint-Louis, Missouri, March 17-19, 2016.
  31. “Quelle(s) période(s), quelles caractéristiques? La civilisation dans les classes de français.” Alabama World Languages Association, Troy University, Troy, Alabama, January 29-30, 2016.
  32. “Morphed Sense of Longing and Belonging in the Novels by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni.” ENCL-RELC international comparative literature congress, Dublin-Galway, Ireland, August 24-28, 2015.
  33. “Comment faire l’amour avec un ‘maudit Français’ sans se fatiguer – ou le paradoxe de Patrick Imbert.” 20th-21st Century French and Francophone Studies International Colloquium, “Faire le point: quand la littérature fait savoir.” Baton Rouge, LA, Febr. 26-28, 2015.
  34. “Writing in French as a non-Francophone.” AATF session at the AWLA (Alabama World Languages Association), Auburn University Montgomery, AL, January 30-31, 2015.
  35. “Kristeva’s The Samurai: ‘Camouflage of sacredness in a desacralized world’.” International Conference “Myths in Crisis. The Crisis of Myth.” University Complutense, Madrid, Spain, October 21-24, 2014.
  36. “Yvon Rivard: la quête du sens, à travers les voyages dans l’imaginaire.” Conseil International d’Études Francophones (CIÉF) convention, San Francisco, CA, June 29-July 5, 2014.
  37. “Voyage obligé chez Tiphaine Samoyault (Bête de cirque, 2013).” Women in French 2014 Conference, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, Canada, May 22-24, 2014.
  38. “Les écrivaines contemporaines et les mythes. Le remembrement au féminin.” MLC Faculty Forum, April 23, 2014.
  39. “Read, Research, Render. A Life-Long Exploration of the Novels by Claude Simon.” Invited lecture, LSU (French and Comparative Literature), April 11, 2014.
  40. “Ananda Devi: exotisme ou empathie pour les plus démunis?” 20th-21st Century French and Francophone Studies Colloquium, New York, NY (NYU, CUNY&Columbia), March 6-8, 2014.
  41. Rewriting Female Mythical Patterns: Contemporary Literature as Agent of Change.” University of Alabama, Brown Bag Luncheon Series, September 4, 2013.
  42. “Ananda Devi dans le feu révélateur des mythes.” CIÉF – Conseil International d’Études Francophones. Grand-Baie, Mauritius Island, June 9-16, 2013.
  43. “Les écrivaines contemporaines et les mythes.” Moderator and presenter at the colloquium organized by Embassy of Slovenia, Paris, in honor of my book on contemporary women writers. Société des Gens de Lettres, Paris, France, June 4, 2013.
  44. “Le Tramway de Claude Simon: les aléas de la traduction” (with Mojca Schlamberger Brezar), Séminaire Claude Simon, Paris, France, University Paris 8, June 1st, 2013.
  45. “Les écrivaines contemporaines francophones–Contemporary Francophone Women Writers.” Invited lecture organized by the College of Humanities (FHS), University Primorsko, and Cultural Association Peter Martinc, Koper, Slovenia, May 22, 2013.
  46.  “Les Prix Nobel de littérature française, vous connaissez?” SCOLT-AAFLT conference, Birmingham, AL, April 11-13, 2013.
  47. “La mère mythisée chez Hélène Cixous.” 20th and 21st Century French and Francophone International Colloquium. Atlanta, GA, March 27-30, 2013. (Session on H. Cixous.)
  48. “Traces de la mémoire dans Le Tramway de Claude Simon.” 20th and 21st Century French and Francophone International Colloquium. Atlanta, GA, March 27-30, 2013. (Round table to honor Simon’s one-hundred’s anniversary of birth.)
  49. “Les Prix Nobel de littérature française.” Invited lecture at the Lycée Français, New Delhi, India, March 14, 2013.
  50. “Les écrivaines contemporaines et les mythes.” Invited lecture at the French and Francophone Studies Centre, JNU, New Delhi, March 13, 2013.
  51. “New Feminine Myths as Builders of New Transcultural Horizons.” Invited KEYNOTE ADDRESS at the International Conference on “Gender Studies & Expanding Horizons of Inter/Transculturality.” Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi, March 7-8, 2013.
  52. “Contemporary Women Writers Between East and West.” Invited lecture at the MKP PG College (2 hours and 30 minutes), Dehra Dun, Uttarakhand, India, March 4, 2013.
  53. “Les traces indiennes chez les écrivaines contemporaines francophones.” Association of Indian Teachers of French 2013 Convention, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, January 17-20, 2013.
  54. “Traduire Claude Simon.” Invited lecture at Department of Translation Studies, University of Ljubljana, January 9, 2013.
  55. “Spices between East and West: Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni’s The Mistress of Spices.” International conference “Myth and Interdisciplinarity,” Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain, October 29-30, 2012. INVITED CLOSING PLENARY TALK.
  56. “La littérature des écrivaines slovènes et son (in)visibilité en traduction(s).” “Itinéraires linguistiques, littéraires et culturels slaves” conference, in conjunction with Summer Translation Campus (INALCO-
    University of Poitiers), Poitiers, July 7, 2012.
  57. “Un nom mythique pour chaque passage. Andrée Christensen, La Mémoire de l’aile.” Conseil International d’Études Francophones, June 10-17, 2012, Thessaloniki, Greece.
  58. “Miti v sodobni francoski in frankofoni ženski književnosti” (Myth in Contemporary French and Francophone Literature), Invited 90-minute public lecture. Department of Slovene Studies, Faculty of Philosophy. University of Maribor, Slovenia, May 31, 2012.
  59. “Komu je namenjena prevodna slovenska literatura?” (Who is reading Slovene literature in English translation?). Invited 100-minute lecture at the Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Slovene Studies, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, May 24, 2012.
  60. “Francoski nobelovci” (Prix Nobel français de littérature). Invited 140-minute lecture at the Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Translation Studies, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, May 16, 2012.
  61. “La mémoire porteuse d’espoir chez Louise Dupré.” 20th and 21st Century French and Francophone Studies International Colloquium, Long Beach, California, March 29-31, 2012.
  62. “Alabama in France: les avantages d’une immersion de cinq semaines.” Joint presentation with Florina Matu. AAFLT 2012 convention, Montgomery, AL, February 2-3, 2012.
  63. “La rencontre des mondes: L’aile, les roses, la neige et les mythes dans La mémoire de l’aile d’Andrée Christensen.” MIFLC, Auburn University, September 29-October 1st, 2011.
  64. “Louise Dupré, Tout comme elle: de mère en fille, à jamais” (LD, “Just like Her”: forever from mothers to daughters). Conseil International d’Études Francophones International Conference. Aix-en-Provence, France, May 29-June 5, 2011 (paper delivered on June 3).
  65. “Géographie et intertextualité: l’univers décentré de Claude Simon” (Geography and Intertextuality: Claude Simon’s off-centered universe). “Claude Simon géographe” international colloquium (by invitation). Université Toulouse II-Le Mirail, May 26-27, 2011.
  66. “Writing on Myths: Between Dystopias and Utopias.” MLC Faculty Forum, April 20, 2011.
  67. “Entre le singe et le loup, chez Cixous.” 20th-21st Century French and Francophone Studies Colloquium, “Human/Animal.” San Francisco, March 30-April 2, 2011.
  68. “Quebecois Literature in French Classes.” AAFLT/AATF Convention, University of Montevallo, February 4-5, 2011.
  69. “The uncanny intertextuality: Hélène Cixous and Peter Ibbetson (Philippines: prédelles [2009]).” A Decade of Women’s Writing in France: Trends and Horizons 2000-2010. 10th anniversary conference of the Contemporary Women’s Writing in French Seminar. Centre for the Study of Contemporary Women’s Writing. Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies, University of London. October 14-16, 2010.
  70. “The Ethics of Wisdom and Compassion in the Novels of Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni.” Contemporary Women’s Writing: New Texts, Approaches, and Technologies. Third Biennial International Conference of the CWWN, San Diego, July 7-9, 2010. By special invitation, also conducted a one-hour private interview with Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni, videotaped at the conference.
  71. “ ‘Je me remembre’ d’Hélène Cixous” (‘I re-member myself’ by Hélène Cixous). Conseil International d’Études Francophones International Conference. Montréal, QC, Canada, June 27-July 3, 2010.
  72. “La mer amère des exils au féminin: les tribulations des nourrices slovènes en Égypte” (The bitter sea of feminine exiles: tribulations of Slovene wet-nurses in Egypt, on Marjan Tomšič, Grenko morje, 2002). International colloquium “Les écritures balkaniques” (Writings from the Balkans), June 7-9, 2010, INALCO – Rue de Lille, Paris, France (org. Frosa Pejoska-Bouchereau).
  73. “Prevajanje Clauda Simona” (Translating Claude Simon). Invited 90-minute lecture for the Department of Translation at the Faculty of Philosophy, Ljubljana, Slovenia, May 17, 2010.
  74. “Yoga and ‘anima’ in the process of collective individuation.” “The Age of Breath: Yoga, the Body and the Feminine” International Conference, Portorož, Slovenia, May 6-8, 2010.
  75. “Les Slovènes et leur culture en diaspora” (Slovene Culture in Diaspora). Invited 90-minute lecture at INALCO (Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales), Paris, France, May 4, 2010.
  76. “Nouvelles voies pour le féminin: Pierrette Fleutiaux, La saison de mon contentement (2008).” 20th-21st Century French and Francophone Studies Colloquium, Toronto, March 25-27, 2010 (in a peer-reviewed session I organized and chaired, “Nouveaux horizons du féminin”).
  77. “Living and Writing through Translation.” Invited 45-minute lecture at the Department of Translation, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, Europe, May 21, 2009.
  78. “Encounter with Metka Zupancic,” invited 90-minute lecture organized by the Association Peter Martinec and Collegium Atrium, student association at the College of Humanities, University of the Littoral, Koper, Slovenia, Europe, May 18, 2009.
  79. “Ariadne through the Lens of Myth Criticism.” A 90-minutes invited lecture for faculty and comparative literature students, University of Maribor, Slovenia, Europe, May 13, 2009.
  80. Mythes porteurs de séismes? La figure d’Ariane chez Claire Lejeune et Jacqueline De Clercq.SÉISMES / SEISMIC SHIFTS—20th and 1st Century French and Francophone Studies Colloquium, Minneapolis, MN, March 26-29, 2009.
  81. “Pourquoi j’ai lu certains livres de la francophonie: recommandations, utilisation possible en classe.” Alabama Association of Foreign Language Teachers (AAFLT) convention, Birmingham, AL, February 6-7, 2009 (invited key-note address to Alabama Association of Teachers of French).
  82. “Les femmes se parlent, les femmes s’influencent: Claire Lejeune et les Québécoises.” International Conference “Le Québec et les autres.” ACQS/ACSUS, Québec, November 13-16, 2008.
  83. “L’Œuvre au noir d’une Athéna: France Théoret, Une belle éducation.” CIÉF, Conseil International d’Études Francophones, international conference, June 29-July 6, 2008, Limoges, France.
  84. “Andrée Christensen, aux dimensions exaltées, alchimiques, cosmiques.” International Colloquium “L’écriture au féminin au Canada français,” Sudbury, ON, Canada, May 6-8, 2008. Paper presented in absentia (in presence of the writer). Prevented from traveling because the application for a visa extension was not resolved by the time of the colloquium.
  85. “Hélène Cixous: Limites d’analyse, limites de lecture, limites d’écriture.” 20th-21st Century French and Francophone Studies Colloquium, Georgetown University, March 6-8, 2008.
  86. “Levels of Reading: Teaching Abstract Thinking in French Literature Courses.” AAFLT Conference, Montgomery, AL, February 1-2, 2008.
  87. “Nova Evridika: sodobne francoske in frankofone pisateljice” (New Eurydice: Contemporary French and Francophone Women Writers). Invited lecture, University of Maribor, Slovenia, Europe, May 16, 2007.
  88. “Littérature des écrivaines contemporaines francophones: l’exception ou la règle?” Francophone Studies International Colloquium: L’exception française. University of Texas A&M, College Station, Texas, March 22-24, 2007.
  89. “Literature and Ecofeminism. Custodians of Words, Custodians of Nature.” Foundation for Mythological Studies Conference “Nature and Human Nature,” at Pacifica Graduate Institute, Santa Barbara, March 16-18, 2007.
  90. “Making Archetypes Visible.” Romance Studies Colloquium 2006, “Literature Matters,” Eugene, Oregon, October 19-21, 2006.
  91. “Claude Simon: Il ne faut pas le dire.” Invited presentation at the Kentucky Foreign Languages Conference, Lexington, Kentucky, April 19-22, 2006.
  92. “Jusqu’aux sources égyptiennes… Francine D’Amour, Le Retour d’Afrique.” The Third International Women in French Conference, April 6-9, 2006, University of New Hampshire, Durham, New Hampshire.
  93. “Always Translating: From Concepts to Their ‘Translation’ in Various Languages,” AAFLT (Alabama Association of Foreign Language Teachers), Tuscaloosa, Al, February 3-4, 2006.
  94. “Myths in Contemporary Feminist Literature (Ahda Soueif, Assia Djebar, Leila Sebbar…).” December 21, 22, and 23, 2005 (3 x 2 hours, in English). ISH, Institutum Studiorum Humanitatis, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
  95. “Fabienne Pasquet et les archétypes féminins.” CIÉF (Conseil International d’Études Francophones) world / international conference, Ottawa, Canada, June 27-July 3, 2005.
  96. “Myths and New Consciousness: Contemporary Feminist Literature.” University of Maribor, Slovenia, May 18, 2005.
  97. “Francophone Feminist Literature and Its Contribution to Transformation of Language and Consciousness.” University of the Littoral, Koper, Slovenia, May 12, 2005.
  98. “Hélène Cixous and écriture féminine.” ISH, Institutum Studiorum Humanitatis, College for Graduate Studies in Humanities, Ljubljana, Slovenia, a module of 10 contact hours, May 10, 12, 16, 2005.
  99. “Nouvelle écriture ‘engagée’ chez Chantal Chawaf: thérapie contre les guerres et les souffrances.” 20th and 21st French and Francophone Studies International Colloquium, Gaineseville, FL, March 31-April 2, 2005.
  100. “Andrée Christensen et Jacques Flamand face à l’apocalypse: appel poétique, mystique et écologique.” ACQS (American Council for Quebec Studies) biennial conference, Quebec, QC, Canada, November 18-21, 2004.
  101. “Sacrifices, amour(s), animaux, passages (littéraires et autres): L’Amour du loup, un (dernier) Cixous.” CIÉF international conference, Liège, Belgium, June 19-26, 2004.
  102. “Healing the Goddess: The Way Out of the Wounded breast. The Wounded Breast, by Évelyne Accad.” Évelyne Accad Colloquium, Paris, France, June 16-18, 2004.
  103. “Laisser parler l’autre: utopie, illusion, réalité? Manhattan d’Hélène Cixous.” Second WIF Conference, Scripps College, Claremont, CA, April 23-25, 2004.
  104. “Hélène Cixous: figures de sagesse et de transformation.” CIÉF international conference, June 17-22, 2003, New Orleans, LA.
  105. “Srečanje med Hermesom in Afrodito: aktualnost mitov v sodobni književnosti” (Encounters between Hermes and Aphrodite: the presence of myths in contemporary literature). Conference hosted by Slovensko društvo za primerjalno književnost / Slovene Comparative Literature Association. Ljubljana, Slovenia, December 19, 2002.
  106. “Mythe et stéréotypie en littérature: quels enjeux?” (Myths and stereotypes in literature: the issues). A two-hour lecture within the program of monthly pluridisciplinary seminars, organized by the research group (Action de Recherche Concertée) on “Héroïsation et questionnement identitaire en Occident” (Creation of heroes and Questions of identity in the West), at the Université Catholique Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, December 16, 2002.
  107. “‘À l’éclat des jeunes gens en fleurs’: A.S. Byatt and Marcel Proust.” SCLA Conference, Tuscaloosa, October 10-12, 2002.
  108. “La mère retrouvée dans Osnabrück d’Hélène Cixous.” PAMLA-WIF Conference, Santa Clara, Californie, November 9-11, 2001.
  109. “In the Beginning was the Word: Reflections on Gérard Bucher’s L’Imagination de l’origine.” IAPL (International Association for Philosophy and Literature) Conference, Atlanta, May 1-5, 2001 (an invited paper for a Close Encounters session).
  110. “Being global, being whole, through myths and symbols inscribed in new utopias.” Kentucky Foreign Languages Conference, Lexington, KC, April 19-21, 2001. A special joint session on “Feminist Utopias at the Age of Globalisation,” organized by Women in French, Women in German, Feministas Unidas, and Women Caucus of the MLA.
  111. “Les Érinyes se réveillent-elles pour rien? Hélène Cixous, La Ville parjure ou le réveil des Érinyes.” 21st Century French Studies Colloquium, UC Davis, California, March 29-April 1, 2001.
  112. “Rewriting Myths: Feminist Utopias.” Society of Utopian Studies Conference, Vancouver, CA, October 19-22, 2000.
  113. “Écriture et thérapie dans quelques écrit de femmes (H. Cixous, Luce Irigaray, Annie Ernaux, Pierrette Fleutiaux).” CIÉF,  International conference, Port El Kantaoui, Tunisia, May 27 – June3, 2000.
  114. “Mythe vivant chez Andrée Christensen.” CIÉF, International conference, May 22-29, 1999, Lafayette, Louisiana.
  115. “Mythes implicites, mythes explicites chez quelques écrivaines contemporaines.” CIÉF, Moncton, NB, May 23-30, 1998.
  116. A series of five two-hour lectures, on mythology in contemporary feminist prose, at the Institutum Studiorum Humanitatis (Ljubljana Graduate School), Ljubljana, Slovenia, May 13-19,1998.
  117. “L’enseignement de français dans les universités canadiennes.” Lecture for l’Association Slovénie-France, Ljubljana, Slovenia, May 12, 1998.
  118. “Language as God: Orphism and Approaches to Myths in Contemporary French Literature.” The God int the Text, A Literary and Philosophical Symposium, University of Guelph, February 28, 1998.
  119. “Femmes mythographes: Chantal Chawaf, Hélène Cixous, Jeanne Hyvrard,” Lecture at the State University of New York at Buffalo, November 6, 1997.
  120. “L’Orphisme dans la littérature française contemporaine,” Conference of CIÉF, May 10-17, 1997, Guadeloupe.
  121. “Trends in Contemporary Québec Literature,” Lecture for Alliance Française of Slovenia, Ljubljana, December 18th, 1996.
  122. “French Post-War Literature: example of Claude Simon,” Lecture at Université Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, December 12th, 1996.
  123. “Orphism in the Novels of Claude Simon,” Lecture in the DEA (graduate) seminar, University of Angers, France, December 10th, 1996.
  124. “Mythology in contemporary feminist literature,” Lecture given on May 24, 1996, in Koper, Slovenia, for the Association of Professors of Literature.
  125. “Orphée à l’œuvre: polyphonie textuelle, musique scripturale dans Les Géorgiques de Claude Simon.” 13th International Colloquium on Twentieth Century French Studies, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, March 28-30, 1996 (during the session “Literary Texts and Music”).
  126. “Hélène Cixous: Comment vivre sans lire— sans écrire.” 111th Conference of the MLA, Chicago, Dec. 27-30, 1995 (during the session “Études féminines: Hélène Cixous’s Extreme Fidelity to Reading and Writing.”
  127. “Musique et littérature chez Claude Simon.” Lecture given in the graduate course offered by Ms. Dujka Smoje, Faculty of Music, University of Montréal, Oct. 20, 1995.
  128. “Feminist Prose: myths and utopia (B. Bojetu, M. Laurence, Ch. Chawaf, H. Cixous, M. Monette.” Lecture given in Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 27, 1995, for the Comparative Literature Association.
  129. “The role of myths in the contemporary literature.” Lecture given in Koper, Slovenia, Dec. 5, 1994, for the Association of Professors of Literature.
  130. “Mythocritique, mythanalyse.” Lecture given in Ljubljana, Slovenia, Dec. 8, 1994, for the Comparative Literature Association.
  131. “Hélène Cixous et la conjonction des contraires.” International Colloquium on “L’écriture des femmes en France, au Québec et en Acadie, depuis 1985.” Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Sept. 28 – Oct 1st, 1994.
  132. “Mémoire mythique dans Les Géorgiques.” Écriture et mémoire. Rencontres avec Claude Simon, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ont., Oct. 29-31, 1993.
  133. Lecture on Une vie by Maupassant, Ashbury College, Ottawa, Nov. 8, 1993.
  134. “Les paradigmes de la souffrance dans Traits et portraits d’Yvette Naubert.” Conference of the NEMLA in Philadelphia, PA, March 26-28, 1993.
  135. “Contemporary Literature: Teaching and Learning Experience.” 14th Conference of the Association for Integrative Studies, Pomona, California, Nov. 1992.
  136. “Même le point de vue du chat.” on Les Jardins de l’enfer, by Francine D’Amour. Lecture at Pomona College, Nov. 18, 1992.
  137. “Écriture-corps dans la littérature des femmes.” International conference of CIÉF in Strasbourg, France, June 1992.
  138. “Différentes modalités du ‘texte-corps’ (F. Théoret, Ch. Chawaf, J. Hyvrard).” 9th Conference on Foreign Languages Feminist Literature, Wichita State University, April 1992.
  139. “De la structure aux mythes: textes de Claude Simon,” University of Calgary (Alberta, Canada, March 1992).
  140. “Body-soul conjunction in contemporary French and Québec literature.” 13th Conference of the Association for Integrative Studies, October 1991, St. Paul, MN, USA.
  141. “Québec literature since 1960,” invited lecture at the University Vanderbilt, Nashville, TN, USA, Oct. 1991.